Sheila Mathews

Strategies for Successful Transition to School

10 Effective Strategies For Successful Transition To School

Transition to school is a process that children go through only once in their life. However, to experience a smooth and seamless transition to school, a child would need adequate support from parents, caregivers and other loved ones. Here are 10 effective strategies for successful transition to school that you can use to help your

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Transitions in Early Childhood Education

The 3 Important Transitions In Early Childhood Education And Development

Transition is a life-long process in the life of every human. It is a process in which we all gradually move from the known realms to the unknown realms of our experience. The transitions in early childhood education are transitions that every child has to go through – irrespective of the socio-economic background of the

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Cognitive Development Milestones in Early Childhood

The Cognitive Development Milestones In Early Childhood Years

Cognitive development is by far the most important development in a child during the childhood years. It is important for every parent, caretaker and early childhood educator to know about the cognitive development milestones in early childhood, especially between the ages 3 to 6, as this is a phase when the child also picks up

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Positive Character Traits Every Child Should Have

8 Most Important Positive Character Traits Every Child Should Have

Childhood is not only a beautiful phase in life, it is also the best phase for children to learn many things that will help them grow into a responsible adult. While there are many character traits that a child should learn, there are eight important positive character traits every child should have. In fact, the

8 Most Important Positive Character Traits Every Child Should Have Read More »

Build a Strong Emotional Foundation in a Child

4 Powerful Strategies To Build A Strong Emotional Foundation In A Child

One of the most crucial responsibilities of a parent, caregiver or an early childhood educator is to build a strong emotional foundation in a child. Since humans are emotional beings, the ability to manage one’s emotions is not only important for an individual, it is also fundamentally essential. Before You Read Further: It is important

4 Powerful Strategies To Build A Strong Emotional Foundation In A Child Read More »

The Comprehensive Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Stroller Review

Baby Jogger has been one of the most favourite stroller manufacturers for many for a long time. This Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Stroller review provides you with comprehensive details that helps you navigate through all aspects of the stroller system you need to know, so that you can take a well-informed decision. The

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Play Activities to Promote Holistic Development and Learning

4 Best Play Activities To Promote Holistic Development And Learning Communication Skills

A parent, caregiver or teacher can play a very important role in developing tailor-made learning activities at home, which can be through play, storytelling, rhymes, dramatisations and creative activities. There are many effective play activities to promote holistic development and learning communication skills in children. The parent, caregiver or teacher can in fact cleverly use

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Advantages of Play Way Method of Teaching

The 11 Advantages Of Play Way Method Of Teaching During Early Childhood

The advantages of play way method of teaching are manifold and can have a very constructive impact in the lives of children not only through their developmental years but also during their adult life too. That’s why it becomes important for not only teachers and educators but also parents and caregivers too. In this article:

The 11 Advantages Of Play Way Method Of Teaching During Early Childhood Read More »