Upto 1 Year

Social and Emotional Development from Birth to 6 months

19 Best Activities For Social And Emotional Development From Birth To 6 months

The desire to be connected with people around is an attribute that is inborn in children. It therefore becomes important that parents, caregivers, teachers and adults around children ensure that social and emotional development from birth to 6 months infant happens the way it is supposed to. When done the right way, it helps establish

19 Best Activities For Social And Emotional Development From Birth To 6 months Read More »

Developmentally Appropriate Practice Activities for Infants

27 Effective And Developmentally Appropriate Practice Activities For Infants Aged 0 To 1 Year

Early childhood is the most crucial stage of a child’s life, especially the initial years, where the growth and development is happening at a fast pace and at the same time the child is learning to survive in its environment. That’s why it becomes important for a parent, teacher or caretaker to know the developmentally

27 Effective And Developmentally Appropriate Practice Activities For Infants Aged 0 To 1 Year Read More »

causes of speech and language disorders

6 Most Common Causes Of Speech And Language Disorders In Children

Speech and language disorders in children are a fairly common occurrence, where a majority of which can be corrected by timely detection and correct interventions. Before we get into the common causes of speech and language disorders in children, let us first quickly understand what speech disorders are related to, and what are the characteristics

6 Most Common Causes Of Speech And Language Disorders In Children Read More »